Support the Fremantle Care Workers

LabourStart UK: Support the Fremantle Care Workers

Following the neo-liberal policies that govern care in this day and age, Conservative Barnet Council passed its care homes to a private, "not for profit" company, Fremantle Trust, in 2002. Fremantle's workers were given a chhoice: sign new contracts or be sacked. The new contracts meant less wages, less pensions, less vacation time, less sick days allowed, and more hours at work.

LabourStart has supported the trade union, UNISON, in the campaign for the workers' rights. LabourStart supporters flooded the inbox of Fremantle's chief executive with thousands of messages.

The reaction of the company was swift: on Friday afternoon, they fired off an email message to Eric Lee of LabourStart threatening legal action for "libel".

A couple of days later, Fremantle got even more aggressive, and sacked Unison rep Andrew Rogers.

Click the LabourStart and UNISON links above to express your solidarity.


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