I hate it when bloggers use the word "random"

End racism and cultural relativism: This weekend, to mark International Women's Day is a march against Sharia law in Britain, organised by One Law For All.

Stop Modi! Another good cause to march for: Narendra Modi, one of the architects of the Gujarat massacre in 2002, as well as a corrupt, Hitler-loving politician, is visiting the UK to attend the India Summit 2009, at the Marriot across the square from th US embassy. A counter-demonstration is planned. Background from Dal Khalsa UK (nb: link not necessarily an endorsement of their politics!).

Strange alliances: Three great posts from Jewcy - On Mexico-Gaza, the politics of an analogy; On the BNP's apparent conversion to Zionism; On the love affair between right-wing realists and left-wing liberals.

Preachers of hate: SPLC on Richard Williamson: Behind the Bishop - The Anti-Semitism of the SSPX. Meanwhile, Jams reports, a Catholic priest, Emmanuel Rudkundo, has been found guilty of genocide in Rwanda.

Excuse-making for the Soviet tyranny: Nick Cohen on Eric Hobsbawm and the Stalinist accommodation of Hitler.

Schadenfreude: Sid at Pickled Politics says Lord Ahmed is getting off lightly.

Quote of the day: on Pilger, Chomsky and Pol Pot (via Freeborn Peter).

Between totalitarianism and liberalism: I have to confess I'm linking to this before I read it, but am printing it out to read it properly: "a review of a review by Peter Ryley of a review by Nick Cohen of Jonah Goldberg's book Liberal Fascism".

Karl Marx's Whiskers Were Sixteen Inches Long: On A Raised Beach is looking for this Wobbly song - can anyone help? I'm intrigued.

Bullshit: I wish I had the time and energy to tell you why I think this attack by Gideon Levy on the brilliant Waltz With Bashir is wrong, wrong, wrong.

Decentism: New issue of Democratiya just out. It's a double issue, prior to an Autumn re-launch, so is bulging with content. There's a debate on one state versus two states for Israel/Palestine, featuring Walzer, Martin Shaw, Alex Stein, Ghada Karmi and others; there is interesting material on the rise of political Islam, including Hazel Blears' speech and an appreciation of Ian Buruma; Paul Thompson writes on Nick Cohen and the left; Eric Lee on Gaza and the labour movement.

Incidentally, looping back to the top of the post, the organisers of the anti-Sharia march on Monday are not impressed by Blears' speech: watch Maryam Namazie and Fariborz Pooya on Hazel Blears and British government policy towards Islamic extremism, Geert Wilders and freedom of expression, at TV International. TV International's Reza Moradi is also critical of Wilder's Fitna. He writes: "Fitna, the Movie, however, doesn’t really criticise Islam and more importantly the political Islamic movement. Rather, it attacks immigrants, labels millions as ‘Muslims’, and implies their support for a movement that millions have opposed, resisted and fled from." He made Fitna Remade as a response. Mediawatchwatch say "It is not exactly a rebuttal of Fitna, more a refinement. Fitna was a rocket fired indiscriminately into a civilian population. Fitna Remade resets the coordinates to target the jihadist combatants and avoid collateral casualties." Freeborn John also approves.


The most lurid "critics" of Israel are also the ones most enthusiastic for a "one state solution". I have yet to hear one even remotely plausible explanation of why that is so.

... "But Grandmother! What big ears you have," said Little Red Riding Hood as she edged closer to the bed.

"The better to hear you with, my dear," replied the wolf.

"But Grandmother! What big eyes you have," said Little Red Riding Hood.

"The better to see you with, my dear," replied the wolf.

"But Grandmother! What big teeth you have," said Little Red Riding Hood her voice quivering slightly.

"The better to eat you with, my dear," roared the wolf and he leapt out of the bed and began to chase the little girl."
Anonymous said…
Chaise Lounge: "One of the helpful posts I have ever seen! Brilliant!"
Anonymous said…
I've been looking for that song. too. Franklin Rosemont may have been playing a joke, though. Google "Karl Marx's whiskers" and "joke". It would fit the meter of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic", though.

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