Around the blogs (Cameron, Galloway, IPods, ID Cards, pubs, and all sorts of other things)

Starting off with some London Borough of Lewisham parochialism, from Adam I learn of the blog of Lewisham Conservative candidate James Cleverley. Not really my cup of tea, obviously, but I did like this post passing on the secret memo from Gavin Moore, Lewisham's Deputy Mayor saying that "goes without saying" (so why say it then?) that Labour councillors should not "have dialogue" with campaigners for a new school in the borough. Good on Darren Johnson for leaking it!

To politically balance that link, here's Recess Monkey slagging off Tory boys David Cameron (who may or may not be Jewish) and George Osborne for not wanting to go to Lewisham. because "Lewisham is too far away".
"This is quite understandable given that they would have to travel from Westminster, a journey according to that would take 24 minutes by public transport, including changing trains and mingling with smelly commuters, few of whom are freemasons or went to Eton. You do however have to admire their commitment to keeping politics within the Westminster village and away from normal people."
Cameron comes under attack from Neil H too, for flip-flopping over Iraq, posing as a dove to appeal to foolish middle class Guardianista liberals.

Also from Recess Monkey, here's a trio of funny posts about buying George Galloway's sweaty Big Brother cast-offs on E-bay and George's occassional genorosity to the people of Britain in making it to Parliament once in a while: 1, 2, 3.

And, back to the parochial ting, and back on a Labour tip, here's a couple of nice posts from Andrew B: on Lefties and on Martha Reeves. Even more parochial, this is the Catford man, from a review of local pub The Goose on the Green:
"Not a hotbed of intellectual conversation then but a place to hear the true voice of the Catfordian; smart, silly, sanguine and sad."
I also followed his link to these nice Catford photos at Queer Puppy Boy's page, while Chris Bauer has a Deptford photo gallery (a little whiter than the Deptford I know). Meanwhile, I'm eagerly awaiting Brockley Boy's blog.

On a more nationally relevant subject, I'm pretty agnostic on the ID cards issue, but this graphic at Rachel's page is chilling. What else? A great post at Never Trust a Hippy on Mad Bunting and the streets of East London. PooterGeek on Abu Hamza chilling to some banging choons on his IPod.


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