“Anti-german” for dummies
I just found this very good weblog: “Anti-german” for dummies. Recommended.
Also to be added to the blogroll: The Contentious Centrist.
Also to be added to the blogroll: The Contentious Centrist.
Solidarity with democratic revolutions worldwide | South London subcultural arcana | unearthing political confusionism | triangulating two-state, one-state and no-state solutions | critical diaspora culture | anti-antisemitism | Sylvia Pankhurst, Hannah Arendt, Bayard Rustin and W.E.B. Du Bois | dub, grime, country, soul and blues.
I only just noticed your comment on my blog. Unfortunately I lost it as I had already deleted the post about Littlejohn, after I read on Engage about some of his past expressions. I wonder about his great concern over antisemitism. There is a saying in Hebrew, whe you question a person's motivation: Is it for love of Mordechai or for hatred of Haman?