Hardy perennials

First, links to some posts on the topics that I obsess about. Rosie on Germaine Greer and Tariq Modood on Salman Rushdie. On free speech (or not) for fascist scum, see Max and David, with quite different views (latter has long comment by me, which touches on IWCA/Hope Not Hate debate from here).

Roland has a huge bag of links here. It includes one to me, for which I am appreciative, but desprite that is a great list. It includes Stark's review of Inglorious Basterds. Lots more reviews of that can be found here, and Matt's can be found here.

TNC has taken up the academic books for the masses challenge here. It's a great list: dig into it.

Update, Saturday night: I just noticed that I am no.23 in the Total Politics list of Labour blogs. This is odd, as I wouldn't think of this as a pro-Labour blog, and it puts me above both more Labour-y and more high-profile blogs like the other Bob, Rupa Huq, Blood & Treasure and Three Score Years & Ten. Not to mention Frank Field MP, John McDonnell MP, and David Miliband MP, but I guess they're only part-time bloggers...

Update 2: Martin has published a response to the responses on his anarchist challenge, reminding me of my outstanding task. (My pal Poumista also promises to join in too).

Update 3, Tuesday morning: More on taxonomical inanity here.

Update 4, Wednesday lunchtime: More from the Modster, and a suprising outburst of niceness between him and Andy Newman in the comment thread.


Rosie said…
Hi Bob

Thanks for linking to me. Your "David" link doesn't work though.
bob said…
Thanks. Hi site was down, but seems to be back up now.
TNC said…
Thanks for the link.
ModernityBlog said…

you are famous, that tory dale likes you :)