In a plural society it is inevitable and important to cause offence

Back here I posted about the need for ruthless criticism of the liberal taboo on "causing offence". I haven't looked at Index on Censorship's excellent website for a while, but it is full of relevant material:
The orthodoxy of offence
In an extract from the series Manifestos for the 21st Century, New Humanist editor Caspar Melville explores the impact of identity politics on free speech

Kamila Shamsie: Islam and offence
In an extract from her new book in the Manifestos for the 21st Century series, author Kamila Shamsie explores the reasons why Islam has become synonymous with offence.

When does cultural sensitivity become a form of censorship? by Julia Farrington
On the state of artistic freedom in the UK, from Behzti to Jewel of Mdina.

“You Can’t Say That”
On Kenan Malik and Queer Up North.
Title of this post is a quote from Kenan Malik.


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