
On the Sweden Democrats and the continent-wide rise of right-wing Euro-nationalism: Yascha Mounk in Arguing the World (interesting, but slightly flawed), Markha Valenta in OpenDemocracy (very interesting, but more flawed) and our friend Johnny Guitar (more interesting, and not at all flawed). There is also a post by Gene at HP which notes an antisemitic speech by one of the senators of the governing right-wing People of Liberty party, condemning the post-fascist Gianfranco Fini, who has broken with Berlusconi's bloc: “Has Fini’s grouping already ordered the kippah?” Ciarrapico asked, referring to the Jewish skullcap” Gene concludes: “Yet another reminder to those who insist that antisemitism these days is virtually the exclusive preserve of the Muslim world and the far Left: you’re wrong.” Antisemitism and fascist ideology are not far beneath the glossy surface of the new European right, however much it protest that it is a “friend” to Israel. Related, and very important, is what Modernity says in the comment thread on his most recent EDL post.

As a footnote to my post on the Furedi cult, Helpful Herbert has a post on the RCP’s further infiltration in Boris Johnson’s Conservative City Hall.

Londonism: Talking of City Hall, a poll shows that Labour is more popular than the Tories with London voters (39% to 36%) but Boris is more popular than Ken (44% to 35%). Friends tell me that Oona couldn’t have beat Boris but Ken can; I hope they are not proven wrong. On a different London politics topic, Dave Osler has a well-written post on Lutfur Ali in Tower Hamlets, and old Labour’s traditions of municipal clientalism and Ted Jeory has a post on a Jewish Tory who seems to have been victim of racist corruption in the same borough.

I have been trying to follow the story of the police mutiny/failed coup in Ecuador, where police officers discontented with President Rafael Correa’s austerity measures stormed the presidential palace and the state broadcasting company last week. Correa was saved by the army and the coup seems to be dying down, although a state of emergency has been extended to the end of the week. On this, see Carl and Carlos de la Torre in OpenDemocracy. On the intimidation of the media by the golpistas and, to a lesser extent, Correa’s government, see CPJ and RSF. For my views, follow the comment trail below.

My new favourite blog: MabinogBlog, a left-leaning Green Party blogger with a very fine sense of humour. And also, sensible views on the Middle East. Talking of which, my post of the week is probably “Pissing in the Wind” by Weggis. And, talking of green stuff, here's Flesh on 10:10's bad day.

Meanwhile, the Hindu far right in India continues its ascent, while authoritarianism deepens in Sri Lanka.

Comment trail: On defining the failed coup attempt in Ecuador, a condensed version of the same, and a variation on the same in response to Andy Newman’s ridiculous posting of broadcasting complete nonsense.(Having said that, the footage in the video of one of the most un-impressive solidarity demonstrations I’ve ever seen is mildly amusing.)

Beautiful, uncool music: Finally, unrelated to anything in this post, one of my very, very favourite songs, Waylon Jennings' version of "Gentle on my Mind", originally by the highly underrated songwriter John Hartford.


DocRichard said…
Hey, thanks, big thanks and hat doffings.

I live near Brockley North Somerset (pop. 11), so for a moment thought you might be a neighbour. They have a big fruit stall.

I suppose Brockley in London has pavements, bus stops and things?
BobFromBrockley said…
I had no idea there was a Brockley in Somerset. I recently drove fairly near one in Norfolk, and nearly made a detour to get there, but it was pouring with rain and I'm not very good at driving.

Yes, the one in London has lots of pavements, lots of bus stops, and lots of things. Lots of places in London reckon they have a village-y feel, but this is not the case in Brockley. It does however still have a couple of horses (one belonging to an aging rag and bone man), a "farmers' market" (not sure if they're real farmers), a nature reserve, a few allotments, huge numbers of foxes and other feral beasts, and generally colourful flora and fauna.
hosein said…
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