Liberalism - A mental illness? Frum Teens - who watchs the watchers?

A new addition to the Axis of Bob

Liberalism - A mental illness? A class for interested students of the decine of Britain. See: The real axis of evil, Bob Geldorf is an arse and the comments here and here and here.

[Update: That blog has now removed its link to mine - which I'm quite glad about really, as it's somewhat unsavoury...]

Watching the Watchers

An anonymous reader alerts me to FrumteensWatchWatch, dedicated to keeping an eye on FrumTeensWatch, which keeps an eye on - Torah for Teenagers, which I first posted about here: the lessons for multiculturalism.

Previous: Fill it to the rim with Bob From Brockley, BobFromBrockley Universally Translated: pimp, skinhead or cockney, Daniel and the flippery fish, Google hits: passover porn and articulate fish, Apikorus-turned-Christian fundamentalist


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