Women, fundamentalism and freedom (event in New Cross tomorrow)


Xenos Seminar - Religious Absolutism / Antinomian Lives: Key perspectives
on women, fundamentalism and freedom, 5.00pm, 26 October 2006, Goldsmiths
College, New Cross, London (location)

Religious Absolutism / Antinomian Lives
Key perspectives on women, fundamentalism and freedom - a seminar

5.00pm, 26 October 2006, Room MB 137A,
Goldsmiths College, New Cross, London SE14 6NW.

All welcome - please register and reserve a place by emailing

What's God got to do with it? Antinomian resistance and secular feminism
GITA SAHGAL, Women Against Fundamentalism

The Double Discourse: 'Moderate' Muslims and their audiences
CASSANDRA BALCHIN, Women Living Under Muslim Laws

Claiming Spaces: Muslim women speak out
MASJALIZA HAMZA, Sisters in Islam

Faith in the State? Multiculturalism and minority women's rights in the UK
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