Election "analysis": some villains
Some bad election news: Ray Mallon has won a second term as Mayor of Middlesborough. (A good advert for the directly elected mayor system eh?)
Moving on to the real villains, the BNP so far seem to have a mixed night. They've done well in Wales and in Windsor & Maidenhead, but not in the West Midlands. Unfortunately, they did win both Hugglescote and Whitick - the first seats to be won by the party in Leicestershire. Fortunately, they lost their council member on Broxbourne Borough Council in Hertfordshire.
Back to milder forms of villainry, Ken Livingstone has been confirmed as Labour's Mayoral candidate for London... (via Andrew)
And Respect kept their Preston councillor and won one in Birminghham. Full results for Respect are here, SWP analysis here. (Respect due: Respect seem to be the party with the best result reportage on their webpage.) Respect winners are: Michael Lavalette (SWP hack) in Preston, Mohammed Ishtiaq in Birmingham and Ray Holmes in Bolsover.
Moving on to the real villains, the BNP so far seem to have a mixed night. They've done well in Wales and in Windsor & Maidenhead, but not in the West Midlands. Unfortunately, they did win both Hugglescote and Whitick - the first seats to be won by the party in Leicestershire. Fortunately, they lost their council member on Broxbourne Borough Council in Hertfordshire.
Back to milder forms of villainry, Ken Livingstone has been confirmed as Labour's Mayoral candidate for London... (via Andrew)
And Respect kept their Preston councillor and won one in Birminghham. Full results for Respect are here, SWP analysis here. (Respect due: Respect seem to be the party with the best result reportage on their webpage.) Respect winners are: Michael Lavalette (SWP hack) in Preston, Mohammed Ishtiaq in Birmingham and Ray Holmes in Bolsover.
All my election posts: local results, villains, heroes, socialists
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