Bob From Brockley: The drink
I've been thinking for a while of doing this, but is anyone interested in meeting up in the flesh for some non-virtual drink and chat? I'm setting a date of Saturday 17th July.
So, if you've ever wondered if I look more like this or like this, or even like this, this or this, e-mail me at bobfrombrockley at googlemail dot com. Apologies in advance if it takes me ages to reply - I'm very slow with my e-mail.
Chatham House rules will apply, and both regular readers and fellow bloggers are invited. I'm tagging a few below, by way of invitation, but if your name is not on the list and you feel it should be it's most likely I haven't twigged that you live in London.
Waterloo Sunset; Kellie; Richard; Daniel; Mira, David and gang; Flesh; Francis; Marko; Martin; Martin; Keith; Mod; Courtney; Jams; Transpontine; Will; Carl; Steve; the Estate agents; Dave and comrades; comrade Dave; Jim; Inspector Darryl; Clare; Sue; Max; Ross; Ken; Brockley Nick and co; Danny; Little Richardjohn; Nick; Mick; Paulie; Raven; Michael; James; and, if they've read this far, Gil, Anamik, Alex and any other actual humans who visit.
So, if you've ever wondered if I look more like this or like this, or even like this, this or this, e-mail me at bobfrombrockley at googlemail dot com. Apologies in advance if it takes me ages to reply - I'm very slow with my e-mail.
Chatham House rules will apply, and both regular readers and fellow bloggers are invited. I'm tagging a few below, by way of invitation, but if your name is not on the list and you feel it should be it's most likely I haven't twigged that you live in London.
Waterloo Sunset; Kellie; Richard; Daniel; Mira, David and gang; Flesh; Francis; Marko; Martin; Martin; Keith; Mod; Courtney; Jams; Transpontine; Will; Carl; Steve; the Estate agents; Dave and comrades; comrade Dave; Jim; Inspector Darryl; Clare; Sue; Max; Ross; Ken; Brockley Nick and co; Danny; Little Richardjohn; Nick; Mick; Paulie; Raven; Michael; James; and, if they've read this far, Gil, Anamik, Alex and any other actual humans who visit.
I thought of of you today while wandering around Hilly Fields during the Brockley midsummer fayre.
Hey, many thanks for the invitation - it sounds a great idea. Unfortunately I don't think I can make it, though I might just email you for the details, just in case....have a good time everyone.
Am now sending out venue details. If you don't get an e-mail from me, e-mail me at bobfrombrockley at gmail dot com and I'll send em. So far, if everyone who says they'll come does, about a dozen people.