Some updates

I am off;-line at the moment, so have scheduled this post, as a kind of post-it note of follow-ups to things I've been talking about recently.

CiFWatch v Socialist Unity v Gilad Atzmon
CiFWatch have published a response by Hadar Sela to my two posts (this one and this one) on opposing left-wing antisemitism. Because I've been away, I've only managed to dip my toe in the discussion. [Update: link fixed]

Gilad Atzmon, Holocaust-denying antisemitic nutjob
Original posts listed here.
Updates: Joseph W on JfJfP promoting Atzmon's antisemitic supporter Jonathan Blakeley.

Original post here.
I've already rounded up some of the statements and reports on antisemitism in the Occupy camp at Contested Terrain. Here are some other posts: Anti-Semitism & Occupy Wall Street: Our Commitment; Carl P on Brendan O'Neil's denunciations; History at Night's Second Thoughts; James B on revolution as play.

When is anti-Zionism not antisemitism
Original post here.
Update: From the summer, the very sane Kenneth Stern offers dissent within the AJC. (h/t Sina)

Bob Lambert, police spy and philo-Islamist
Original post here.
Update: An old friend speaks out.

Two for one
Waterloo Sunset does both Lambert and Atzmon here.

EDL, right-wing numpties
Below the line, some comments from the thread at HP which linked to my post.

alfie 19 October 2011, 9:03 pm
Fucking bastards.
Not that it matters to these idiots, but the Ahmaddiyas are persecuted throughout the Muslim world, because they are viewed as heretics who deny the finality of Muhammad as a prophet, because their school of Islam was set up by someone who mainstream Muslims say claimed prophethood himself. This persecution takes the form of murders, massacres, marginalisation, and has manifested in Britain too, when leaflets calling for Ahmaddiyas to be murdered were distributed in London. Sunni Muslims have successfully campaigned for an Ahmadiyya mosque to be denied planning permission in the midlands in a way that the EDL and ‘Stop Islamisation of Europe’ cadres would be proud of and could take inspiration from. When an Ahmadiyya mosque was opened in north London and the BBC reported on it, it put the MCB in a sulk. They are despised by mainstream Sunni Muslims.
Oh, and fuck the EDL.
Steven W . 19 October 2011, 9:10 pm
Bob is spot on as usual . And what alfie said , fuck the EDL .

It deteriorates fast after that.


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