Quick raid 2
Republic of letters
HNN: The Christian Left's Vision (Remember Woody Guthrie?)
The bombing of Dresden
Strange bedfellows: Thomas Lacquer on sex after fascism
Appreciating Pynchon (DeLillo, Eugenides, et al)
What's the Matter with Indymedia?
Andrew O’Hagan : A City of Prose (After the London bombings)
Letter From Spain: Modernity encroaches on Europe's Islamic past
Johann Hari: We need policy wonks, not corporate pimps
NB: I have updated the columnist links to the lower right - lots of them were out of date. Toyed with removing Mad Melanie Phillips, but decided to keep her. Some day soon I'll add some more or rotate a bit! for the moment, I've just added an unofficial Julie Burchill website and Ian Baruma's NYRB page.
The blogosphere
neo-neocon: Why bloggers love Orwell
New look for Oliver Kamm since I last looked. Check The new reactionaries (fisking the SWP)
NB: I regularly rotate my list of blogs on the right, to keep it getting too long. Recently added include Baggage Reclaim, HungryBlues (which I found at JRants), Myopic Thoughts and The Radical Centrist.
I've also added, down at the bottom right, a blogmap from feedmap .net, something I came across at Slightly lost in the world.
Sarf London
Transpontine: Deptford, Opium and the East India Company
HNN: The Christian Left's Vision (Remember Woody Guthrie?)
The bombing of Dresden
Strange bedfellows: Thomas Lacquer on sex after fascism
Appreciating Pynchon (DeLillo, Eugenides, et al)
What's the Matter with Indymedia?
Andrew O’Hagan : A City of Prose (After the London bombings)
Letter From Spain: Modernity encroaches on Europe's Islamic past
Johann Hari: We need policy wonks, not corporate pimps
NB: I have updated the columnist links to the lower right - lots of them were out of date. Toyed with removing Mad Melanie Phillips, but decided to keep her. Some day soon I'll add some more or rotate a bit! for the moment, I've just added an unofficial Julie Burchill website and Ian Baruma's NYRB page.
The blogosphere
neo-neocon: Why bloggers love Orwell
New look for Oliver Kamm since I last looked. Check The new reactionaries (fisking the SWP)
NB: I regularly rotate my list of blogs on the right, to keep it getting too long. Recently added include Baggage Reclaim, HungryBlues (which I found at JRants), Myopic Thoughts and The Radical Centrist.
I've also added, down at the bottom right, a blogmap from feedmap .net, something I came across at Slightly lost in the world.
Sarf London
Transpontine: Deptford, Opium and the East India Company