Brockleyism 2

Brockley Central
Brockley Central has been going for a couple of months now, with loads of great SE4-related stuff: where to eat, the invasion of the gastropubs, feeling safe...
"The undead are a perennial problem in SE4"
As well as Brockley Central, there's Howard at ZombieCoterie. He's posted this fragment of urban serendipity.
2. WikiBrockley. Brockley's wikipedia page has been heavily added to lately, by an anonymous editor (I like to imagine its a reader of this blog). I've been copy-editing it a bit, and added a couple of musicians to the "popular culture references" section at the end: Chris Inperspective (see below) and Remarc.
Soundtrack to this post: Chris Inperspective - Live @ Nu Killa Beats (long mp3, via DnBShare, featuring "Brockley Cross" by Chris Inperspective, very nice ambient drum and bass)
Related: NEF's campaign against Clone Town Britain.
(Image above from GlassGiant, via Jogo)