Battle of Lewisham 2/Anti-fascist songs

The Lewisham '77 website has been growing. There is a map of the route, and loads of great photos, as well as YouTube video footage. Please spread the word - especially if you were there.

Following on Comrade Transpontine's suggestion of Junior Murvin's "Police and Thieves", Bob Marley's "Get Up Stand Up" and the Tom Robinson Band as the soundtrack to the Battle of Lewisham, and having used Heaven 17 to soundtrack my Battle of Lewisham post, I've been thinking of some other anti-fascist:
As the battle was nearly as much about the police as the fash, you can also listen to "Police and Thieves" (mp3 via Motel de Moka), the Clash's "Police on My Back" (mp3 via Blank Forever), or the KRS-One classic, "Sound of the Police" (mp3 via Certified Banger).

Any more suggestions?


Frank Partisan said…
The political songs were best during the civil rights era, because of the gospel tinge.

See: Phil Ochs
. said…
Not very inspiring set of songs I'm afraid, apart from reggae tracks (OK I quite like Bella Ciao). My theory is that anti-fascism is too obvious a sentiment to create good songs. Since just about everyone proclaims themselves as an anti-fascist, songs tends towards the lyrically banal. At least until I finally realize my plan for a hardcore punk band shouting Adorno quotes (I want to call it Frankfurt Old Skool).
Anonymous said…
How about everything ever recorded by LKJ? Especially "Fite Dem Back"...
sildenafil said…
Hello!! Junior Murvin's "Police and Thieves", Bob Marley's "Get Up Stand Up" and the Tom Robinson Band as the soundtrack to the Battle of Lewisham,are some of the most important songs to the flight vs the Fascist!the rights are so important to this kind of musician , I love this kind of music!!22dd