A couple more on Chavez

Two more posts on Hugo Chavez, this time on his brutal repression of the Venezuelan pro-democracy movement: Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, writing (in charmingly odd English) at Moderate Voice, and Civatensis, on the hypocrisy of Hugo's use of the word "fascist".


Him being populist and all, I am greatful for your reality check. One sometimes gets carried away when Hugo disses the Spanish king or the American president... I read recently in the Guardian that part of London Transport is sponsered by Venezuelan oil in a special deal. In return Ken sent a TfL team to Caracas and apparently tehre is even a TFL office there: A new bendy bus is line thought to get a new route extension that goes directly from London Bridge to La Bandera Caracas central bus station.
bob said…
Much as I hate El Presidente, I have little problem with Hugo insulting the King of Spain, and I support Ken's deal with Venezuela. But suspending the constitution and closing down opposition TV stations...

I like your proposed bus route!
Roland Dodds said…
Cursing the King of Spain or the President of the US of A is fine and dandy and I will often go along with good criticism even if I don’t agree with it. But Chavez is a media whore whose actions are simply meant to get him the support of American and European leftists who do hold positions of power. They get to live veraciously through Chavez by slamming their foe, and therefore let Chavez get away with rolling back democracy in his country.

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