New Orleans in South London

At any rate, tomorrow and Saturday, the O2 on the North Greenwich Penninsular is hosting a free New Orleans festival. I've never been to the O2 (and only once to its predecessor, the Dome: to attend the worst of all of Ken Livingstone's [I nearly wrote "the late Ken Livingstone's"] "Respect" festivals, a bad experience as the burly entrance guards confiscated all of my booze on entry); it always seemed like too "corporate" a venue for someone as cool as me.

But check out the line-up: Dr John, Allen Toussaint, Buckwheat Zydeco, Rebirth Brass Band, Kermit Ruffins, Marcia Ball - some of the best musicians of our age.
Listen: Dr John at Star Maker Machine. Allen Toussaint at Scott Ford Radio, at Roll & Grady, at The Leather Canary.
Related posts: Where is Sarf London?; Pigfeet in Brixton; South London cinematic; Jerry Wexler (featuring Deptford's Dire Straits and N'Orlins' Dr John); Brass (featuring Rebirth); Katrina anniversary soundtrack; An anarchist letter from New Orleans; Randy Newman "Rednecks".
Elsewhere: Deptford music; Celebrating NOLA; Dear Dr Beats; Blogarhythms on Allen Toussaint.
UPDATE: History is Made at Night on Mardi Gras
Anyway, I went on Friday, saw Rebirth Brass Band and a cajun band; it was quite nice. Went back on Saturday, saw Rebirth Brass Band again, and some Mardi Gras Indians, and found the whole O2 experience a little hellish. I won't be going back in a hurry.
Here's the great Thomas A. Dorsey, one of the greatest American geniuses of all time.
Himself talking about serious things.