Pierre Vidal Naquet: A great man

I was away from the machine when Pierre Vidal-Naquet died. Vidal-Naquet was a scholar who has been important to me in my work, as well as a human being and public intellectual who I have found inspiring.

The Independent published a great obituary by Oswyn Murray, reproduced by Bread & Circuses.

Actually Existing posts a lovely appreciation of Vidal-Naquet, Arthur Lee and Bob Smithies.

Oliver Kamm compares Vidal-Naquet to another public intellectual, Noam Chomsky.

Counago & Staves passes on the notices of the passing of Vidal-Naquet and Murray Bookchin at Agora International, for the more anoracky libertarian socialists amongst us (and that includes me).

Anti-rev has some of Vidal-Naquet's Shoah-related texts in English:

Keywords: Holocaust revisionism, historians, French intellectuals


Where can I get more information like this?.. because this is perfect, I was interesting in reading more because I could get information I didn't know.m10m

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