And this week's stuff

James Bloodworth in praise of London.

A great series of posts at History is Made at Night on the short hot summer of 1981, including BrixtonToxteth and Southall.

Ralph Seliger posts a powerful 1963 critique of Hannah Arendt's Eichman in Jerusalem by Gertude Ezorsky from the socialist New Politics. This follows his own piece on Arendt from Tikkun.

Goldsmiths Made Me a Fundamentalist”by Noam Edry (plus her own site), Alan Johnson on Entebbe and the Dueling Legacies of the New Left, Geoffrey Alderman on staying in the UCU, Sarah's alternative history of the UCU, Phoebe on left antisemitism and the Jews'  "first world problems", and Jeffrey Herf on YIISA.(Some of these via Engage.)

Keith Kahn-Harris on people power. Mike Harris on pragmatic radicalism.


Roland Dodds said…
The Bloodworth piece is well worth the read. As was the Ralph Seliger piece.
kellie said…
Yes, James's post is really good.
Will said…
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