A couple more

Two more blogs for you: The Provisional BBC (found via Neil) and Three Score Years and Ten.

(Yes, I will get down to some more substantive blogging rather than these little nuggety things sooner or later, when I clear the decks a but at work...)

While I'm here, you may care to vote for Norman or Harry for Best UK Blog in the 2006 Weblog Awards.

And, on the same topic, I guess I should report that I didn't do very well in the Bloggers4Labour awards. However, Dave's Part and Stumbling & Mumbling certainly deserved to beat me in my category, and I didn't deserve to beat Oliver Kamm.

Talking of Kamm, by the way, I have to agree with Courtney that he (Kamm) talks shit when it comes to the nuclear deterent issue. (An issue well summed up by Scribbles. Prompting a nice link from Andrew to this piece about chocolate teapots.)

Finally, I've updated my most recent Sarf London blog line-up post here.
