I wasn't going to blog about Virginia Tech...

I wasn't going to blog about Virginia Tech, but...

Yesterday, my partner told me, with tears in eyes, about Liviu Librescu, the man who survived Hitler's death camps and then the anti-semitism and totalitarianism of Stalinist Romania, to die in a classroom at Virginia Tech, using his body to protect his students from the gunman's bullets. And on Yom Hashoah, the international day that commemorates Holocaust victims.

And then Jogo sent me this corruscating piece by Mark Steyn, on the infantalising tone of the coverage.

And then I read this wonderful post by Will on Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, the anniversary of which it was yesterday.

And something kind of clicked.


While looking up Liviu Librescu, I was struck by something else too, the cosmopolitanism of the university department of engineering sciences where he worked. Academics in the leftist disciplines - the social sciences and humanities - like to bang on about multiculturalism and postcolonialism. But scientists and engineers just get on with practically making a postracial world real, without any fuss, doing useful stuff for all of us.


Finally, read this by Scribbles, on young men who slaughter.


Frank Partisan said…
That was the best written post I've read on the subject. Most other posts debated gun control.

I linked to your blog.

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