
Showing posts from December, 2006


Saddam's execution

For now...

Shane MacGowan on Kirsty MacColl

For the record...

Trial by tabloid

It worked...

Why I don't say never

Wikipedia and political blogging

The anti-Stalinist left and the politics of wikipedia


Sarf Londonism

My imam

For Ahmet Ertugen

Don't cha wish...


Solidarity with Iran

Dershowitz versus Finkelstein

And another couple more

Pinochet: good riddance

"a curtain political stand"

Human rights and the failings of the Israeli state (Or, I had a shower with a serial rapist)

A couple more

Beer for Jews

Hasten the glorious victory of Bob no.2


This 'n' that

Bloggers4Labour Blog Awards

Iraqi trade unions: fighting back