Kosher Eucharist: Diaspora Kinda Life

Diaspora Kinda Life at the blog Kosher Eucharist is well worth checking out. Reporting on this story:
Eight ultra-Orthodox Jews have been injured, some seriously, in a spate of anti-Semitic attacks in the London district of Stamford Hill over recent weeks, a senior Jewish official in Britain told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday.

He also revealed that gravestones in the Jewish section of a municipal cemetery in Aldershot, Hampshire, including those of ex-servicemen, were desecrated over the past few days. This was the second such incident at the cemetery in two months.
The blog suggests that
Britain may have just surpassed France in amount of news produced that does not bode well for Jews. First 60% of British young people have never heard of Auschwitz, then that survey that showed the extent of British hatred for Israel, then their prince and his Nazi costume, and now the beating of Jews in the street.


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