Defend Gita Sahgal!

A courageous feminist sacked for blowing the whistle on Amnesty's relationship with the Moazzam Begg's Islamist front Cageprisoners. More from Stroppy and Martin Bright.

Update: More from HP 1 & 2.
Update 2: Also Airforce Amazons, FiG, Terry.
Update 3: And Francis Sedgemore, Paul Stott.
Update 4: And David Aaronovitch.
Update 5: Comrade Coates, on Andy Newman's disgraceful cultural relatavist attack on Gita.
Update 6: For the sake of balance, HarpyMarx.
Upate 7: Via Harpy, Gita Sahgal vs Asim Qureshi on the BBC. Transcript from Earwicga.
UPDATE 8: Again via Harpy, Women Against Fundamentalism and Southall Black Sisters statement on Amnesty International. (Original here.)
Update 9: Dennis MacShane's open letter to Amnesty.
Update 10: Stroppy on the boys at IslamophobiaWatch; Rahila Gupta on Amnesty's double standards; loads more at the excellent Spittoon.
UPDATE 11: Gita on the Today Programmetranscript via FiG. Alternative transcript Earwicga.
Update 12: Joan Smith.
Update 13: Gita Sahgal interviewed in Variant 2002 (via Mod).
Updates 14 (February 15): Gita profiled; Sam Zarifi supports Gita; Tom Gallager on AI's flight from universalism.
Update 15: From this side, Christopher Hitchens. From the other side, Harpy again and Sunny. From the fence, Dave Bones. And keep checking The Spittoon.
Update 16: Women Living Under Muslim Laws statement (via Harpy once more).
Update 17: Salman Rushdie statement, a bit excessive in his sweeping denunciation of AI (via you guessed it, where Rachel Davenport's comment is close to my own views.)
Update 18: I missed these two from Nick Cohen, not sure how: Amnesty Int. & Megagreed Plc; Tyranny's Friends at Amnesty (includes extract from  Waiting for the Etonians "on how everything started to go wrong for Amnesty in the middle of the last decade").

Previous: Wimmin and cohesion; Kamm, Rushdie and the secular left; Decentism and defectors, lumpen and otherwise (on the politics of unsavoury alliances.
Background: Martin M on Southall Black Sisters. Women Against Fundamentalism. Southall Black Sisters. Human Rights for All. Amnesty International UK.
