Rioting France

Is it about Islam?

Last of the Famous nails Mark Steyn and Phyllis Chester on the riots in France.

(Found via Hak Mao)

Previous: The Third Intifada?
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bob said…
Jogo says to me:

"Somebody should tell lastofthefamous to cool it on the ad hominem. It makes him look like a raver himself, and not a nice person.

We either credit our opponents with good faith, or we don't. Calling people idiots and pigs ... this is not worthy of an intelligent person."

I agree with this. Although I know me and Jogo are both prone to a bit of ad hominem...
Douglas said…
If I think someone is engaging in low-level racism and is tremendously stupid and...

...if I think furthemore that their lazy and uninformed commentary is part of a trend that has gone too far and is contributing to the world's misery...

...then I feel no compunction about saying precisely what I think of them. And at precisely what point among the world's supply of cretins should I draw the line separating those malefactors who deserve no respect and those genteel duffers who do?

As Camus said, « Mal nommer les choses, c'est ajouter aux malheurs du monde » or "To misname things is to add to the world's misery." To hold my tongue or weeken my words simply to be polite would require me to lie. And dishonesty is a far greater sin than rudeness.
bob said…
Well spoken! But...

By the way, I agree with what you say on your blog about the FrontPagers.