Solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe

Excellent source: This is Zimbabwe
Sokwanele - Zvakwana is a peoples' movement, embracing supporters of all pro-democratic political parties, civic organizations and institutions in Zimbabwe. Sokwanele and Zvakwana both mean 'enough is enough' in the vernacular.
Found via Martin M.

Also read: Is Zimbabwe now a client state of the People's Republic of China, by the Jura Watchmaker.


One thing that has made me angry in relation to the Chinese arms-to-Mugabe outrage was the claim from the South African government that they could not interfere with the passage of the weapons. "We are not in a position to act unilaterally and interfere in a trade deal between two countries," they said last week.[source] The anti-apartheid movement was based precisely on the premise that the international community has the right and the duty to interfere in the business of other states if it was unjust. The ANC exhorted the citizens of the world to boycott apartheid goods. And now they are safely in power, they resort to the sanctity of national sovereignty.

The ANC - in contrast to the South African workers - still think of Mugabe as an anti-imperialist. "African National Congress president Jacob Zuma adopted a softer tone towards the Zanu (PF) government after a week of criticism, saying it was an integral part of the solution and was "a fraternal liberation movement and an ally"."[source]


Incognito said…
holy shit, Bob.. wasn't quite expecting those pics...

will boomark the link.

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